Compelling Telling
Compelling Telling is designed for socially-engaged artists, community artists, and individuals who are interested in using arts as a means to develop stronger community ties, including urban planners, social workers, educators and activists.
The workshop includes theoretical insights drawn from complexity science and dynamic systems, which are shared through fun and playful examples and hands-on, physical exercises. Other exercises focus on the generosity and potential of the public sphere and offer some small insights as to how different social relations can be tested and nurtured through playful artistic interventions.
An openness and curiosity toward others is essential.
Following the series of workshops, participants of Compelling Telling apply what they’ve learned through a small performance made in collaboration with shop-owners of the neighbourhood.
Presentation History
Schauspielhaus Bochum; Bochum, Germany2021
Collettivo Amigdala (Periferico Festival); Modena, Italy2019
Prototype Paradise; Taipei, TaiwanBespiel Mal Bochum; Bochum, Germany
Tainan Arts Festival; Tainan, Taiwan2018
Melbourne Fringe Festival; Melbourne, AustraliaFebruary
Zona K; Milan, Italy2015
Creativity Works, Bath Spa University; Radstock, UKWest Kowloon Cultural District; Hong Kong, China