Media + Film

Teen Thoughts (2015)
Led by the Young Mammals, Teen Thoughts featured Toronto teenagers who quietly dish on what it is to be human.
Directed by Nicole Bazuin and Produced by Darren O’Donnell & Eva Verity.
View a short clip of Teen Thoughts.
Presentation History
CBC Arts - The Collective (2015)

High School Health (2014)
Led by the Young Mammals group The Torontonians, High School Health was a video investigation of the love lives of accomplished Canadians, driven by members of the Young Mammals. High School Health facilitated the youths’ knowledge acquisition, allowing their interests and curiosities to lead the way.
View a short clip of High School Health.
Conceived by Darren O’Donnell & Chosang Tenzin, Directed by Nicole Bazuin & Darren O’Donnell, Produced by Nicole Bazuin & Eva Verity, Executive Produced by Luminato Festival & Jenna Winter.
Starring: Virginia Antonipillai, Daniel Lastres Rodriquez, Sanjay Ratnan, Kathy Vuu & Wendell Williams
Featuring: Wayson Choy, Atom Egoyan, Bette Logan & Dan Hill
Presentation History
Luminato Festival (2014)

Sleeping with Family (2012)
Sleeping with Family is about sleeping arrangements in a low-income neighbourhood as described by 15 teenagers living in Parkdale, Toronto. Disguised to protect their identities, the young people in the film discuss their living conditions, particularly the absence of, and negotiations for privacy living in close quarters with multiple family members.
Directed by Nicole Bazuin and Darren O’Donnell and Produced by Kathleen Smith.

How to be a Brown Teen (2011)
How to Be a Brown Teen is a “deliciously rude instructional video” created by The Torontonians. Sanjay Ratnan “tells his fellow classmates that anything less than perfect grades, perfect fiscal responsibility and absolute chastity will “equal beatings” from a “brown teen’s” parents”. R.M. Vaughan, The Globe and Mail (2011)
View a short clip of How to be a Brown Teen.
Conceived by Sanjay Ratnan
Filmed & Edited by Saif Azmi
Presentation History
Toronto and the Niagara Artists Centre (2011)
SAVAC's MONITOR 7: New South Asian Short Film + Video (2011)