The Lockdown Resolution
The Lockdown Resolution combines 360° video and live performance to take the audience on a virtual tour led by three young Bristolians, for whom the pandemic offered welcome respite. The Lockdown Resolution is about the quandary on so many minds: should we ever go back to the way we were before?
The Lockdown Resolution was created entirely during the pandemic. This hybrid performance can be enjoyed either in person socially-distanced or remotely from home.
The Original Touring Production of The Lockdown Resolution at In Between Time Festival, Bristol in 2021 was Conceived and Directed by Darren O’Donnell, Codevised and Performed by Alke Schwarz, Chris Lewis & Germain Loud, Creative Advised and Edited by Fi Nicholson, Dramaturgy by William Drew, Guest Dramaturgy by Jana Eiting, and Produced by Ryan Lewis, Tina Fance & Alice Fleming.
Presentation History
In Between Time Festival; Bristol, England