Support Us

Why Support Us?
Supporting Mammalian Diving Reflex allows us to nurture the creation of new work in Toronto and throughout the world, to continue touring our concepts to communities across continents and to break down social barriers one unusual conversation at a time.
Our Impact
For the first time, sharing my experience with others has helped me become brave, and more importantly, unapologetically myself.
Youth Collaborator, Walk With Me While I Remember You (2022)
Mammalian Diving Reflex deserves a recognition that hasn’t been invented yet. They stand unparalleled as a company that makes work that overwhelms you with information without disarming you; that teases you into places you didn’t know were uncomfortable without hurting you; and that inspires you to take a damn-hard look at how hard it is to be a human.
Khristián Méndez Aguirre, Fusebox (2018)
It’s about trusting our future generation and understanding young people are capable of much more than we give them credit for.
Former Education Minister Chris Burns, Darwin (2012)
Nothing seems impossible. I did so many things I thought I would never do.
Teentalitarianism Participant, Duisberg (2016)

Mammal Lovers
Alana Wilcox
Alexandra Findlay
Alice Fleming
Anna Gallagher-Ross
Anthony Tran
Anupa Perera
Christian Ziegler
Craig & Clarissa Lewis
Darren O’Donnell
David Danzon
Dev Aujla
Donal O’Reardon
Dylan T. Reid
Eileen Sommerman
Felicity Nicol
Hazel Venzon
Ian Carpenter
Isabel Ahat
Isorine Marc
Jennifer Paparo
Joseph Wilson
June-Etta Chenard
Karim Aujla
Kaven Kafshbarghi
Kelly O’Donnell
Kiera O’Brien
Krys Verrall
Lianne O’Donnell
Loretta Chang
Marc Dufresne
Margaret Ziedler
Margaux Williamson
Maria Carneiro
Mayuran Ganesathas
Melissa Tsang
Michael Shamata
Morag Morrison
Myles Kitagawa
Naomi Campbell
Neal Cropper
Ngawang Luding
Nirmala Basnayake
Philip Dyke
Ryan Lewis
Tenzin Chozin
Troy O’Donnell
Your Friends With Benefits Inc.
Anonymous (x4)
Government Supporters
Foundation Supporters
With generous support from The Kingfisher Foundation.