Young Mammals

What is The Young Mammals?
The Young Mammals is our succession plan as we engage with groups of young people in Toronto, Germany and around the world, training them to make contemporary performance and, one day, lead their companies.
The Beginnings
We started with a cohort of nine-year-olds in Toronto in 2006, some of whom have been collaborating with us for over ten years. The Torontonians emerged as a collective subset of our first group of Young Mammals and they created a series of projects throughout Toronto between 2010 and 2015. They are now in their mid-twenties, taking work on the road and developing collaborative relationships with other youth from our long-term engagements around the world.
Mit Ohne Alles emerged in Germany through a multi-year collaboration with the Ruhrtriennale since 2012. Through initial teen-based performance experiments that led to the eventual creation of Teentalitarianism, the group has continued to collaborate, create new work and tour with us.

Global Commitments
We also have a commitment to the many other amazing youth we’ve worked with around the world, including the Tottenham upLIFTers, a cohort of young people formed through our long-term engagement in London with the London International Festival of Theatre; The Mammals of Milan we met through our work with the Milan Triennale and ZONA K; and our newest cohort, Humboldting!, who we are collaborating with across a multi-year engagement with Berlin’s Humboldt Forum. We are always looking for ways to share our skills and knowledge with these fantastic people and get them on the road to help us create and lead projects all over the entire planet.