Press & Publications

Invite young people to co-create and build the future of museums (2024) – Stefanie Loos, Performing Arts Redefined
Performance Across Generations (2024) – Dorte Grannov Balslev, iSCENE
Difference is Beautiful (2019) – Anke von Heyl, Zak Nrw Kukunftsakademie
All The Sex I’ve Ever Had: Review (2018) – Khristián Méndez Aguirre, Fusebox
Diving Deep (2017) – Kate Holden, The Saturday Paper
Darren O’Donnell wants to make you uncomfortable, and engaged (2013) – Robert Everett-Green, The Globe & Mail

Casa Italia (2023)
Feel for the Game: on stage, back stage, and in the boardroom (2022)
PICA for the People (2016)
With Children: A Proposal to Change Everything (2016)
Performing Young Enterprise: the youth arts landscape, Toronto, Canada. (2013)
An Interview with Katerina Seda (2012)
Eat, Meet and other tactics to chew my way to Sesame Street (2009)
Stealth Pedagogy: the lessons of vomit, deception, and choosing children over friends (2009)
The Gardiner Garden: visions of provision (2007)
The Social Impresario: capitalizing on the desire to be remembered for as long as it takes wood to rot (2007)
Toronto the teenager: why we need a Children’s Council (2005)
The Talking Creature (2004)

Using Social Media with Children and Young People in Creative Practice (2021)
The Mammalian Protocol for Collaborating with Children (2016)
Typology of the Primary Rigours (2013)
Children, Youth and the Culture Plans of Canadian Cities (2011)
The Torontonians: Five core principles of social economy (2011)
Social Practice, Children and the Possibility of Friendship (2011)